Brokered Market Share

Review the Brokered Market Share report to see where lenders are sending deals

The Brokered Market Share report will allow you to see where Lenders are sending their brokered deals. You can also dig down one level deeper to see which LOs are brokering the deals.

To view this report, follow these steps:

  1. Search for a Lender you want to research, either by Name or NMLS. You can also search within a precompiled report (e.g. Top 2500 Lenders)
  2. Click on the Lender. From their main snapshot page, select Brokered Market Share from the Reports section.
  3. The next screen will show a table of the wholesale lenders that they are brokering deals to.
  4. Click the view link in the LOS column to see a summary of all of the LOs who have been brokering deals at this company.
  5. When you click on an individual LO, you can go to the Brokered/Trans By State tab to validate the brokered transactions.