CRM Push

How to connect your CRM to MMI so that you can push contacts from MMI to your CRM

Push potential realtor partners or LO recruits into the CRM of choice by webhook or email. The CRM Push enables you to quickly and efficiently continue your recruiting efforts by kicking off target campaigns based on specific details that MMI provides.

Follow these simple steps and tips to start syncing contacts directly to your CRM

  1. Go to LO Rank or Agent Rank to find contacts
  2. Search and locate contacts you want to work with.
  3. After you have located and selected a contact,  use our easy Google button to run a Google search on this contact.

  4. After you have done your research, go back and review your contact’s transition types, loan types, as well as all of their agent relationships. 
  5. If this is one you want to go after, you can access Push CRM feature but clicking the icon below.

  6. You will see that First Name, Last Name, Company, Fast Fact profile,  Google link, and production performance score are provided as fields.

  7. You will then need to add the email and phone number by copying and pasting from where you found it on Google. (If your Admin set up Misc. fields, access those here by clicking “Show More Fields”.)

  8. When you are ready, you can click the Send CRM Push button to execute a push using the webhook you or your IT team previously set up.