Dashboard Filters

Filters are essential to segmenting and navigating the vast amount data found in many dashboards

Filters are found along the right hand side of every dashboard.

Filter options will vary based on the dashboard and the available, filterable data.

Dashboard Filters - Example 1a

Edit a filter

To edit a filter, hover over a filter panel and click the pencil icon in the upper right corner

Dashboard Filters - Edit 1

By default all available options will be selected

Dashboard Filters - Edit 2

To deselect all, simply uncheck the box at the top of the list

Dashboard Filters - Edit 2a

To choose filter options, scroll or type in the search bar to dynamically filter the options. 

Check the rows you want to filter for. Repeat as needed to find and select all desired rows

Dashboard Filters - Edit 2b

Date Filter

Rather than a search bar, the Date Filter provides a time frame drop down allowing the user to choose between year, month, quarter, etc

Dashboard Filters - Edit Date

Disable Filter

Disabling a filter does this...

To disable an individual filter, click the toggle at the bottom right corner of the filter panel. 

Dashboard Filters - Disable

Managing Filters

Reset Filters

To reset all filters on a dashboard click the counter clockwise arrow at the very top of the filters panel.

Dashboard Filters - Reset

Set as Default

Dashboard Filters - Default 1


Create a bookmark

You can create and save any number of customized filter groupings as a bookmark for quick and easy reuse. 

Once all your filters for each panel have been established, click the bookmark icon at the top of the filters panel.

Dashboard Filters - Bookmark 1

Click the Add New Bookmark tab and type in a Name for your new bookmark.

Dashboard Filters - Bookmark 2

Use a saved bookmark

Click the Bookmarks button toward the upper right of any dashboard

Dashboard Filters - Bookmark 3

This will bring up a panel with all the available bookmarks for that dashboard. 

Click your desired bookmark and all associated filters will instantly be applied.

Dashboard Filters - Bookmark 4

Bookmarks are exclusive to the dashboard they were created for. They will not be visible or usable on other dashboards.