Homeowner - Charts

Understand the available charts and graphs on a Property Intelligence page


Toggle between Amortization, Equity, and Value charge by clicking the appropriate name at the top of the chart window.


Amortization Chart

The Amortization chart tracks the User's Loan Balance relative to Principal and Interest Paid over the life of the loan.

homeowner-charts-amortClicking Principal Paid, Interest Paid, and/or Loan Balance at the bottom of the graph will toggle the visibility of that line.


Hovering over the lines of the graph will show the calculated Principal Paid, Interest Paid, and Loan Balance for a given month and year.

Equity Chart

The Equity Chart shows the current estimated equity, the increase or decrease from the previous month, and the monthly changes over the life of the loan.


Current Equity is calculated by subtracting the calculated Loan Balance from the current Estimated Value of the property.

Value Chart